Stratus Season Supporter

Purchase a Stratus Season Supporter subscription to get tickets to concerts you love, special invitations, and extra musical perks.

What’s Included

Attend the performances you love with added musical perks during the 24-25 Concert Season. Season supporter packages include:

  1. One to two tickets to each of the four Stratus Chamber Orchestra concerts during the 24-25 season (September, December, March, and June).

  2. Free transfer of tickets to an alternate date or to another person if you are unable to attend.

  3. Invitation to the conductor/performer talk prior to the March 29th, 2025 performance for you and a guest.

  4. Bonus content for each performance including videos from conductor Adam Torres, behind-the-scenes peeks from musicians and staff, and fun information about the music you'll hear.

  5. The satisfaction that you’re supporting Stratus Chamber Orchestra’s ability to create a rich musical environment in Denver.