You can create transformative musical experiences.
We believe the arts are for everyone – no matter who they are or where they come from. We believe we must redefine and reimagine the experience of the orchestra. For many, the traditional experience of classical music feels snooty, stuffy, and uninviting because of unspoken rules about who is welcome, what to wear and how to act. We know that the orchestra has a history of exclusion. We are flipping the script by intentionally creating a welcoming, friendly and engaging experience for which all are welcome to enjoy and participate in whatever capacity feels most comfortable for them. The orchestra’s past does not have to dictate its future.
Augustana Arts presents concert series in public venues around Denver and brings instrument lessons directly to children, getting them hands-on with intentional, well-crafted group lessons.
We believe the all members of our community should have access to high-quality, diverse musical experiences.
How do we achieve this?
Our Music Encounters program brings instrument lessons directly to kids in Title I schools and under-resourced neighborhoods, with no financial requirements. More than 75% of our students pay nothing at all for their lessons.
Our Pay-What-You-Choose ticketing model allows audiences to attend concerts no matter their ability to afford a ticket price. Over 70% of our regular concert series attendees last season paid nothing at all to join us at a performance.
Our performances feature a range of composers - living composers, women composers and BIPOC composers - as well as a range of musical genres.
You can help to create the future of the orchestra. Will you join us?
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