Legacy and Special Gifts
Contact Sara Hare, Executive Director, 303-388-4962, or sara@augustanaarts.org for information or conversation about giving opportunities.
Planned Gifts
The opportunity to “leave a gift that will vibrate into eternity” is accomplished when you provide a planned legacy gift to Augustana Arts. Individuals who make planned gift arrangements become members of the Augustana Arts Legacy Circle.
Planned gifts include bequests through wills or living trusts, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance, property deeded with life estate retained, and charitable lead trusts. Please share this wording with your attorney and/or financial advisor:
“I, [name], of [city, state, zip], give, devise and bequeath to Augustana Arts Inc., doing business as Augustana Arts, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Honor / Memorial Gifts
Honorary and memorial gifts recognize others through gifts you make to Augustana Arts. Gifts made in memory or in honor of a family member, teacher, or friend are generous and thoughtful ways to remember a person’s life and his or her accomplishments.
Any form of gift, such as one made through the transfer of stocks or through an outright cash donation, may be given in honor or memory of someone.
To provide a gift in honor or memory of someone, please send your gift with a note specifying the honoree’s name and address and/or contact information for his or her next of kin. Any online gift can be made in honor or in memory of someone by simply indicating that intention on the donation form.
Vehicles for Charity
Should you have a vehicle that you would like to donate, please contact Sara Hare, Executive Director at Sara@augustanaarts.org. She will provide you the information needed to complete a vehicle donation.
Gifts of stock, mutual funds, or real estate
A gift of appreciated property (stocks, mutual funds or real estate) can be transferred to Augustana Arts by your broker or investment advisor. Please contact Sara Hare, Executive Director for stock gift information.
Donor Privacy
Augustana Arts is committed to donor privacy. Under our privacy policy we do not sell personal information or use it for purposes other than the support of Augustana Arts.
Federal Tax ID #84-1414051
Mailing Address: Augustana Arts
5000 E. Alameda Ave.
Denver, CO 80246