You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers!

Whether this is your 1st or your 100th time attending an Augustana Arts performance, it’s totally normal to have questions. Check out some of the most common questions below.

  • When you registered, you should have received an email to the email address you indicated with your tickets. You're welcome to print them or show them to us on your phone when you attend, however we can also check guests by the name your tickets are registered under.

  • Parking varies depending on the venue of the program. Keep your eyes out for an email in the week leading up to the performance with specific parking and entry information for your event.

  • The start time listed for the event is the time when the music will start. For a performance, we suggest arriving 15-30 minutes early to ensure you have enough time to check in and grab a seat. Most of our concerts are general admission with first-come first-served seating.

    Any arrival information that is important for your specific event will be included in the pre-event email you'll receive in the week before the program.

  • At the main entrance to every concert, we have a desk with staff or volunteers who will get you checked in for the program. Keep your eyes out for an email in the week leading up to the performance with specific information on where to enter for your event to get you to the check-in table most efficiently.

  • Whatever makes you feel your best! Leggings and a t-shirt? Go for it. Business casual? Sounds good to us. Tuxedo or evening gown? If we can provide you an opportunity to pull that old prom dress out of the closet for the first time in 15 years, we're here for it! We care about you - not what you're wearing.

  • If you're attending a Stratus Chamber Orchestra performance, you can usually tell when it's time to clap by looking at the conductor. The clues: the music has stopped, the conductor has put their arms all the way down, they may start to turn and face the audience, and the musicians are lowering their instruments. Some pieces of orchestra music have multiple "movements" (sections of music) and usually the audience is invited to clap once all the movements have been completed. You can find out if the piece has multiple movements by looking in your print program. What happens if you clap when no one else does? Everyone behind the scenes smiles! That tells us that you enjoyed what you heard and we love that.

  • There are many reasons you may want to look at your phone during a performance - you're waiting for important news, you can't stop staring at the picture of your dog, or you're itching to beat your Candy Crush score. You are welcome to use your phone as long as it's on silent and not making any noise or displaying any content that would disturb the people around you. In fact, at many of our concerts you'll find a "tech zone": a space dedicated to audience members who would prefer to have a device out to use to keep their hands distracted while they listen.

  • Take as many pictures or videos as you'd like as long as you promise to tag us on social media. 😉 (But seriously, capture those memories and share them far and wide.)

  • Absolutely! We love sharing music with humans of all ages. There are only a handful of events that are not child-friendly (like our Music of the Vine wine tasting program), so grab tickets for your whole family!

  • The good news is our ears still work even if our body is in motion! Bring a book or a (silent) phone game and sit in the "tech zone" at a concert. Or grab a seat on the side or at the back of the audience so you can stand up and move around as needed. People of all ages, abilities, and needs are welcome at our concert and we'll always work with you to make our performances accessible and fun for you.

Do you have a question that’s not included here? Send it to us below and we’ll be in touch.