Health and Safety for our Audience and Artists

Dear Friends of Augustana Arts –

In light of evolving scientific knowledge about the spread of COVID-19, Augustana Arts continues to incorporate and follow recommendations, mandates, and best practices made by the CDC and Colorado Governor’s Office for all performances, rehearsals, classes, and meetings.  

At this time, our fall 2020 performance season is on hold for an indefinite time until appropriate governmental entities, venue managers, program directors, executive staff, and the Board of Directors deem it safe and reasonable for in-person gatherings of any kind. This includes rehearsals and performances of Stratus Chamber Orchestra, Colorado Women’s/Men’s Chorales, and our Concert Series. In the meantime, however, we are working to offer creative virtual content that intrigues, engages, and inspires our audiences of all ages.

Our Music Encounters program (i.e., City Strings) continues to offer small group sessions for young violin students in a virtual format to as many students as possible. It is our hope that in-person group lessons will proceed this fall with all necessary best practices, protocols, and regulations as provided by the Colorado Department of Education, County school districts, and individual schools. 

As Augustana Arts is a nonprofit organization relying on both ticket sales and contributed revenue, we ask you to consider offering your continued support, such as donating the cost of a ticket purchase as well as making a financial contribution to our educational programs. While cancelling performances is necessary for the health of all of our patrons, staff, artists, and volunteers, it will pose a significant financial loss for the organization, making donations even more important. If you choose to donate your ticket as a tax-deductible donation, you will help sustain our revenue during this time, allowing us to inspire and impact people through the arts well into the future.

Future updates and information will be made available through our social media channels, website, and email.  Please contact should you have any questions.

Lynn Nestingen, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Augustana Arts


Celebrating Classical Music Month in a Pandemic