SCO Musician Highlight: John Richardson

Meet one of Stratus’ most long-term musicians - bassoonist John Richardson. 

John began playing the bassoon at age 14, and attended two years of conservatory training at Purchase College in New York. Besides performing with Stratus, his career involves managing sales training programs for Insight Enterprises. John has performed with many groups in Denver including the Colorado Wind Ensemble, Gossamer Winds, the Arapahoe Philharmonic Orchestra, the Littleton Symphony, the Timberline Symphony Orchestra, the Lone Tree Symphony, the South Suburban Community Orchestra, and the Arapahoe Community College Orchestra. John is also passionate about technology and literature. 

John wishes everyone knew that Stratus is one of Denver’s most high-quality orchestras. His most memorable performance with the group was performing Beethoven’s 9th symphony. He loves performing with Stratus because he feels Stratus is incredibly innovative - the smaller size of the orchestra means the literature performed is often more challenging, exposed and not as often heard. 


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